Established in 1923, Karitane is a respected and trusted service leader in parenting and targeted early intervention & prevention services across NSW. Karitane delivers high quality, comprehensive, evidence-based parenting services for families, as well as the provision of education and training to healthcare professionals, non-government organisations and corporate partners.
Karitane identifies family needs through a comprehensive centralised intake process, which allows the family to be connected to the right service at the right time and move between services as their level of need, support requirements or level of risk change. Karitane serves a wide range of families across NSW including those experiencing social isolation, trauma, mental health, drug & alcohol issues and family violence. We have a high proportion of families from CALD, Aboriginal and refugee backgrounds. We work closely with several government departments including state and federal health, NSW FACS, Education and Justice. We have a highly trained professional workforce including Child & Family Health Nurses, Mental Health Nurses, Allied Health Professionals, GPs, Paediatricians and Psychiatrists. The range of Karitane services include:
- In-Centre Care – parent support interventions delivered through Parenting Centres at Liverpool, Randwick & Camden and residential stay units located at Carramar & Camden (statewide tertiary service);
- Perinatal infant mental health services – Jade House, for parents in South West Sydney experiencing mental health conditions during the perinatal period – including perinatal anxiety and depression ;
- Specialised Toddler Clinics (PCIT) for children with behavioural conduct disorders;
- Community Outreach Programs – extensive range of early intervention services delivered in partnership to vulnerable communities in South West Sydney. These include: groups for early parenting, education, understanding the emotions of childrens’ behaviours; emotional coaching for parents to support family preservation and restoration;
- Juvenile Justice – young women & men in custody parenting or preparing for parenthood at Reiby;
- Positive parenting, early intervention prevention programs; young parent in-home support; supported playgroups; volunteer home visiting programs delivered across South West Sydney;
- Teenage pregnancy peer support program – federally funded;
- Out of Home Care across NSW: Foster carer, kinship, and grandparent training, support and advocacy program.
- Education Services across Australia – provided to parents and families, health professionals, staff, students, academic and corporate partnerships (National & International).
- Technology-Driven Interventions to maximise access to parenting support nationally and internationally including: Careline, website, virtual home visits (telehealth); 18 online videos, webinars & Facebook Live